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Limited time

30 MIN / 10+ IMAGES / 100$

30 MIN / 10+ images / 100$

How It Works

You choose a date, time, and place. Book it. I'll appear, shoot up a storm, and leave. You'll get 10 images (or more) delivered via web gallery.

What's the Idea?

Life is full of important people, places, and moments. Sometimes you'd love to have a photographer to capture it. But most of the time, you don't have hundreds of dollars sitting around for a photoshoot. With this promotion, you get just what you need: a few high-quality pictures of whatever it is you have in mind.

Pictures of What?

You and your beau strolling downtown. Your ragamuffin kids. Your wacky, creative home. That amazing birthday party you're throwing. Your new profile picture. You and your best friend at your favorite coffee shop. That creative idea you've always thought would make a cool photo. Just a half-hour slice of your life.

Some Tips

Suggest a date and time. If you're flexible, suggest a few. Aim for weekday evenings - when the light is best and I am free. I'm also free some Saturday & Sunday afternoons. Choose a place that is epic if you want...or even better, a place that has personal meaning for you. Yes, that includes your living room.

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